The American Legion Post 315 Ham Radio Club has Five levels of membership:
American Legion Members: Members who belong to the American Legion Family (Post, SAL, or Auxiliary) have full privileges. If they are at least twenty-one years of age they are eligible to hold an elected office. There is no minimum age required to join. Legion Family members need not be a member of Post 315. American Legion Members (in good Standing) dues are $15.00 per year and are not prorated.
Non-American Legion members shall be any FCC licensed amateur radio operator who does not fall under the special provision of an American Legion Member, associate or student membership. Regular member dues are $25.00 per year unless prorated.
Associate Member: An associate member shall be any person maintaining membership to support the association but who does not hold a license as a radio amateur. Associate member dues are $15.00 per year and are not prorated.
Student: A student member shall be any FCC licensed amateur radio operator who is currently enrolled as a full-time student, is 18 years of age or younger, and is not otherwise eligible to be included in a family membership. Student member dues are $15.00 per year and are not prorated.
Family: A family membership shall be any FCC licensed amateur radio operators and non-licensed family members interested in amateur radio who live in the immediate household. Family member dues are $30.00 per year unless prorated.
Membership is renewable annually at the July monthly meeting
Ready to join? Please follow the steps below:
1.) Download a printable version of the application here, fill it out and mail it and your payment to: American Legion Hale Combest Post 315, Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 652, Wylie, TX, 75098. You can also bring your application and payment to any in person gathering of the club.
NOTE: Due to the low volume of mail we receive, we only check the P.O .Box about once a week.
Refunds: Any refunds for overpayments of dues will be made by check from the American Legion Post 315 checking account.