Volunteering guidelines

The American Legion (AL, SAL, AUX) tracks volunteer hours and compile reports that highlight the contributions of the members. The compiled report is then shared with Congress to demonstrate the impact and value of the American Legion members volunteer work, resulting in congress’ budget funding for various veteran’s programs.

To receive volunteer hours credit for hours between American Legion Post monthly meetings, you MUST submit your volunteer hours prior to the next monthly American Legion Post meeting at 10:00 am

If you are a member of the American Legion Amateur Radio club, COMBINE your volunteer hours with the American Legion Volunteer form ONLY
(The American Legion Post 315 Amateur Radio Club is not an entity of the American Legion (like AL, and AUX), but a program sponsored by the American Legion Hale-Combest Post 315)

If you’re a dual member (Both AL & SAL) please complete both forms:
For AL:   American Legion Post 315 Monthly Volunteer Hours | American Legion Post 315 Wylie, Texas 75098 (wylielegion.org)
For SAL: Sons of the American Legion Squadron 315 Volunteer Hours | American Legion Post 315 Wylie, Texas 75098 (wylielegion.org)
If you are an SAL member ONLY: Sons of the American Legion Squadron 315 Volunteer Hours | American Legion Post 315 Wylie, Texas 75098 (wylielegion.org)
A dual member will be credited with DOUBLE volunteer hours credit for being a member of AL & SAL.